Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hindi Podcast & Other updates on

About 1.5 yrs ago I started the Gospel Link Podcast. It was mostly in English. This month God helped us to start the Gospel Link Hindi Podcast. Already 2 Episodes are out. First message is about Disappointments and 2nd updated today is about transformation. If you like to listen to Hindi messages then visit

Also today we added some Hindi Songs by Pr.Renny Thomas from Rajasthan, India. Thanks to Brother Finny Thomas for sending it so that we could add it.

Another important update was the Gospel Link Media Hindi Video message about Dissapointments. I haven't got the final copy which will be released in the first week of May 2009. Some brothers are putting lot of effort behind it. But I have just added the message in the site. I will update it once I get the final copy. But you can still see the message in the site. Visit

May God Bless Your Spiritual Life!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Impact of One Sermon

Last week there was a testimony shared by someone in the church. It encouraged me and challenged me and I thought of sharing it here. In 1983 a young women attended the church for the first time. The sermon that day was about Dustbin or Trashcan. Yes. The pastor preached from Philippians 3. This chapter first talks about the priceless value of knowing Christ. Then Paul write in verses 7&8

7 I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. 8 Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ

After listening to this message she gave her life to Jesus. Its more than 25yrs since this happened. But the impact this one message left in her life is still to be seen. She has t-shirts made with photo of Dustin on it and some other things like that which will make people to ask her whats it. Then she shares her story and gives them a CD with the Dustbin message. Yes! She carries some Cd's with this message wherever she goes and gives to people. That's what she testified. She was thankful to pastor for the message he preached that day and said that was the best message pastor ever preached because it changed her life.

This testimony made me to think a lot. Many times we take our preaching or whatever we do casually. But we never know that one message or sermon can change a person's life for ever. What do you think?

Whatever we do we have to give our best. We need to pray and prepare the best way we can.

We never know what one sermon can do.

May God Bless You!

Are we Alert?

To be alert means to be fully aware and attentive to one's surroundings or circumstances, ready to respond to potential dangers, opport...