Friday, December 3, 2010

Settle you Eternity

The world view Christianity as another Religion. When we read the message of the Bible, we can understand that Jesus didn't come to make a religion but to establish the relationship between God and man.

Let’s look at the earth in which we are living. We see a creation. This creation demands a Creator. We see everything around us designed perfectly. Now this requires a designer. We follow some moral laws as we live in society. This requires a moral law giver. We have a life. This life demands a life giver. Have you ever thought about it? There is a God who is the Creator of this earth. He gave us this life. Bible says that God created man in His own image. But sin separated man from God. God is a holy God and cannot tolerate sin. The wages of sin is death.

But God provided a way so that the relationship between God and Man can be restored. He sent his Son Jesus Christ in to this world. Jesus Christ died on the cross but rose again on the third day. He has promised eternal life for those who believe in Him and accept Him as their personal savior. There is a life after death. Jesus Christ gives hope and peace not only for this life, but also for life after death. We all will have to go from this world one day. Some people think death is the end of everything. It is only the end of our life in this world. There is eternal life after death and where we spend our eternity depends on the choice we make today. Jesus Christ promises you to give an eternal life in heaven if you accept Him. This is the good news.

What I wrote till now is plain Gospel. It's simple but difficult for people to understand or accept. People think accepting and following Jesus is an option. Let me tell you it’s not an option. It is a matter of our eternity. It will decide where you will spend your eternity. It is written in the Bible that every man has to die once and then stand in front of God’s judgment throne. If you are reading this and have not accepted Jesus as your personal Savior, then I request you to look at your own life and find the truth.

Settle your eternity before you leave this world. After you die you won’t have any option!

Are we Alert?

To be alert means to be fully aware and attentive to one's surroundings or circumstances, ready to respond to potential dangers, opport...