Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Gospel Talk Podcast - Prayer Life of Christians

Another episode of Gospel Talk Podcast is out. The topic is - Prayer Life of Christians

Some of the questions answered are: -

  • What is prayer? Why do we need to pray?
  • How important is prayer in a Christians life? What does a prayer life mean to a Christian
  • Should a Christian only pray in a church?
  • How many times or how long should a Christian pray?
  • Can a Christian pray for non-Christians, is this effective?
  • Should a pastor of the church be committed to praying for all believers, how can busy Pastors manage that?
  • How can a person be confident that God is listening to their prayers?
  • Do you have any experiences in your life where prayer impacted or changed a situation?

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Gospel Talk Podcast - Bible Reading Habits & Plans

Another episode of Gospel Talk Podcast is out. The topic is - Bible Reading Habits & Plans.

Some of the questions answered are: -

  • Why should a Christian read the Bible every day?
  • How much time should be spent on reading the Bible?
  • Should we read other books and how to balance between reading books vs the Bible?
  • What do you think about daily devotions?
  • Which Bible translation should be used?
  • Any advice on following Bible reading plans?
  • What is the difference between reading and studying the Bible?

Gospel Talk Podcast - New Year's Resolution and Life Management

Another episode of Gospel Talk Podcast is out. The topic is New Year's Resolution and Life Management.

Some of the questions answered are: -

  • What is the New year Service Tradition in churches? Is it biblical?
  • Why do you think people make resolutions and decisions on New year timeframe?
  • How do you manage time which so many things?
  • How can we ensure there is regular family prayer?
  • How do you prioritize?
  • How do you decide when there are more than 1 thing scheduled at the same time?
  • What does the Bible say about the use of our time?

Gospel Talk Podcast - Christmas Traditions

The first episode of Gospel Talk Podcast is out. The topic is Christmas Traditions.

Some of the questions answered are: -

  • What is the origin of Christmas?
  •  One of the most exciting things about Christmas for kids is Santa Claus. Where does Santa Clause come from? I don’t read about Santa in the Bible.  Can you throw some light on it?
  • What is the actual meaning of the Christmas tree, is it truly symbolic of Christmas? Was there any particular tree associated with the birth of Jesus? Some people say “Jesus died on a tree” (cross) hence they use the tree as a symbolic reference for Jesus, yet others say it relates to pagan rituals or origins?
  • I noticed that at many churches, there are not many decorations up for Christmas, why is that?
  • In the biblical manger scenes, we see three Wiseman with gifts, were there actually three Wiseman because there were three gifts?
  • Are there biblical references on when Christmas actually is because no one truly knows the date, how does this relate to the advent calendar?
  • Why didn’t the early Christians celebrate Jesus birth?  
  • What is the best way to teach our children about the true meaning of Christmas, so they do not get confused with what they are taught in schools?
  • Why couldn’t God find another way to forgive the human race of their sins instead of sending Jesus down to die for us?

New Podcast – Gospel Talk

During December we did a Christmas program at Church in which two other people took my interview and asked me questions about Christmas and traditions. We felt it went very well and we sat down and came up with this idea to start a new Podcast- Gospel Talk. Our plan is to produce two episodes every month.  I am planning to add more details about each episode ion this blog as we make progress.

ACOM - The Creator: Who Is God, and How Can I Know Him?

  Video Recording is available -  https://youtu.be/4DMxZj_RsR4   Introduction Throughout history, people have asked profound questions abou...