Tuesday, February 18, 2025

ACOM - The Creator: Who Is God, and How Can I Know Him?


Video Recording is available -  https://youtu.be/4DMxZj_RsR4



Throughout history, people have asked profound questions about the existence of God. Who is the Creator? How can we know Him? Is it possible to have a personal relationship with Him? These are important questions that shape our understanding of life, purpose, and eternity. In this article, we will explore who God is, how He reveals Himself, and how we can personally know Him.

Understanding God’s Nature

To know God, we must first understand His nature. The Bible opens with the words:

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)

God is the Creator of everything—He is the source of life and the universe. His attributes reveal His greatness:

  • Omnipotent (All-Powerful): God has unlimited power over all creation.
  • Omniscient (All-Knowing): He knows everything—past, present, and future.
  • Omnipresent (Ever-Present): He exists everywhere at all times.
  • Holy, Just, and Merciful: God’s character is perfect, righteous, and filled with love and mercy.

Understanding these attributes helps us see that God is not distant but deeply involved in His creation.

How Has God Revealed Himself?

God has not left humanity to figure things out alone; He has revealed Himself in multiple ways:

  1. Through Creation:
    Nature itself testifies to the existence of God. The beauty, complexity, and order in the universe reflect His power and design. The Bible says:

    “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made.” (Romans 1:20)

  2. Through Scripture:
    God has spoken through sacred writings, such as the Bible, where He reveals His will, character, and plans for humanity.

  3. Through Jesus Christ:
    Christians believe that Jesus is the fullest revelation of God. The Gospel of John states:

    “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” (John 1:14)

    Jesus showed us God’s love, taught about His kingdom, and provided a way for humanity to be reconciled with Him.

  4. Through Personal Experience:
    Many people encounter God through answered prayers, life-changing experiences, and moments of divine guidance.

How Can I Know God Personally?

Knowing about God is different from knowing Him personally. Here are some practical ways to develop a relationship with Him:

  1. Seek Him Sincerely:
    God promises that those who seek Him wholeheartedly will find Him.

    “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13)

  2. Read and Study His Word:
    The Bible is a powerful way to understand who God is and what He desires for our lives.

  3. Pray Regularly:
    Prayer is not just asking for things; it is an ongoing conversation with God where we express gratitude, seek guidance, and share our hearts.

  4. Join a Faith Community:
    Being part of a spiritual community provides encouragement, learning, and accountability in your journey with God.

Barriers to Knowing God

While many desire to know God, some challenges can hinder this pursuit:

  • Doubt and Unbelief: It is normal to have questions, but seeking answers with an open heart can lead to deeper faith.
  • Distractions of Life: Busyness, work, and daily stress can keep us from prioritizing our spiritual growth.
  • Past Hurts or Misunderstandings: Some people struggle with faith due to negative religious experiences. Healing and rediscovering God’s true nature are possible.

The Impact of Knowing God

A relationship with God brings profound transformation:

  • Inner Peace and Joy: Knowing God provides comfort and purpose, even in hardships.
  • Guidance and Wisdom: God offers direction in life’s decisions.
  • Hope and Strength: Faith gives courage to face challenges.
  • Eternal Perspective: Believers find assurance in life beyond this world.

Invitation to Explore Further

If you desire to know God more deeply, consider taking these steps:

  • Spend time in nature and reflect on creation’s beauty.
  • Read sacred texts or spiritual writings daily.
  • Develop a consistent habit of prayer or quiet meditation.
  • Seek out a mentor or join a spiritual community.


Knowing God is a journey, not a single event. It requires sincerity, openness, and a seeking heart. The more we pursue Him, the more He reveals Himself to us. The invitation to know God is open to all—those who seek Him will surely find Him.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

ACOM - Logic and Fallacies

Video Recording is available - https://youtu.be/2JPeVF-mjk4


In the context of apologetics, logic and fallacies are tools and concepts used to reason effectively and persuasively while defending or explaining a particular belief system, usually religious or philosophical.

What Is Logic in Apologetics?

Logic is the study of reasoning and argumentation. It provides the framework for constructing valid arguments and evaluating the truth or soundness of claims. In apologetics, logic is used to:
    1. Clarify ideas: Ensuring that beliefs and arguments are well-defined and precise.
    2. Demonstrate coherence: Showing that a belief system is internally consistent.
    3. Persuade effectively: Convincing others through rational and compelling arguments.

Key Components of Logic in Apologetics:
    • Premises: Statements or claims that serve as the foundation of an argument.
    • Conclusion: The statement that logically follows from the premises.
    • Validity: An argument is valid if its conclusion logically follows from its premises.
    • Soundness: An argument is sound if it is valid and all its premises are true.

Example of Logical Reasoning in Apologetics:
Premise 1: Everything that begins to exist has a cause.
Premise 2: The universe began to exist.Conclusion: Therefore, the universe has a cause.
This is a simplified version of the Kalam Cosmological Argument, a common argument in Christian apologetics.

What Are Fallacies in Apologetics?

Fallacies are errors or flaws in reasoning that undermine the validity or soundness of an argument. In apologetics, identifying and avoiding fallacies is crucial for maintaining credibility and engaging in meaningful dialogue.

Common Fallacies in Apologetics:

    1. Strawman Fallacy
        ○ Definition: Misrepresenting or oversimplifying an opponent’s argument to make it easier to attack.
        ○ Example: "Atheists think the universe came from nothing, which is absurd!" (This misrepresents atheistic or scientific perspectives.)
    2. Ad Hominem
        ○ Definition: Attacking the person instead of addressing the argument.
        ○ Example: "You can’t trust their argument because they’re not a Christian."
    3. Circular Reasoning (Begging the Question)
        ○ Definition: Assuming the conclusion within the premises.
        ○ Example: "The Bible is true because it’s God’s word, and we know it’s God’s word because the Bible says so."
    4. False Dichotomy (Either/Or Fallacy)
        ○ Definition: Presenting only two options when more exist.
        ○ Example: "Either you believe in God, or you have no moral foundation."
    5. Appeal to Emotion
        ○ Definition: Manipulating emotions instead of presenting logical reasons.
        ○ Example: "You should believe in God because the idea of eternal punishment is terrifying!"
    6. Red Herring
        ○ Definition: Introducing irrelevant information to distract from the main argument.
        ○ Example: "Instead of debating evolution, let’s talk about how scientists have been wrong in the past."
    7. Appeal to Ignorance
        ○ Definition: Claiming something is true because it hasn’t been proven false (or vice versa).
        ○ Example: "No one has proven God doesn’t exist, so God must exist."
    8. Hasty Generalization
        ○ Definition: Drawing a conclusion based on insufficient evidence.
        ○ Example: "I met one rude atheist, so all atheists must be rude."

Why Logic and Fallacies Matter in Apologetics

  1. Strengthens Arguments: Logical reasoning ensures that your claims are coherent and compelling.
  2. Builds Credibility: Avoiding fallacies demonstrates intellectual honesty and respect for your audience.
  3. Engages Effectively: Clear and rational arguments foster productive discussions and mutual understanding.

By mastering logic and recognizing fallacies, apologists can present their case with clarity, precision, and respect, contributing to meaningful and thoughtful dialogues about faith, truth, and meaning.


Monday, February 3, 2025

The Tripartite Nature of Humanity

1 Thessalonians 5:23 says:
"May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."

This verse offers profound insight into the holistic nature of human beings as created by God. The Apostle Paul identifies three distinct aspects of a person—body (soma), soul (psyche), and spirit (pneuma)—and prays for their complete sanctification. Let’s look at these components and their significance.

1. The Body (Soma): Our Physical Being

The body represents the physical aspect of humanity—the tangible, visible part of us. It connects us to the material world, enabling us to interact with our environment and with others through sensory experiences.

  • Role in Life: The body is the vessel through which we live, work, and express ourselves.
  • Biblical Emphasis: Scripture often reminds us to honor God with our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), recognizing it as a temple of the Holy Spirit.
  • Sanctification of the Body: Caring for our physical health and resisting sinful behaviors that harm the body reflect God’s desire for our physical sanctification.

2. The Soul (Psyche): Our Mind, Will, and Emotions

The soul encompasses our intellect, emotions, and will—essentially, our inner personality and consciousness. It is where we make decisions, feel emotions, and experience personal identity.

  • Role in Life: The soul bridges the spiritual and physical realms, influencing both our outward actions and inner spirituality.
  • Biblical Emphasis: Jesus emphasized the soul's eternal significance, urging people to prioritize its salvation (Matthew 16:26).
  • Sanctification of the Soul: Aligning our thoughts, emotions, and decisions with God’s will is a key part of spiritual growth (Romans 12:2).

3. The Spirit (Pneuma): Our Connection to God

The spirit is the innermost part of a person, designed for communion with God. It is through the spirit that humans experience divine communication, worship, and a sense of eternal purpose.

  • Role in Life: The spirit enables us to transcend physical and intellectual limitations, connecting with God and His will.
  • Biblical Emphasis: The spirit is quickened by God through salvation (John 3:6), allowing believers to live a Spirit-led life (Galatians 5:16).
  • Sanctification of the Spirit: Keeping the spirit attuned to God’s voice through prayer, worship, and the Holy Spirit's guidance is central to Christian living.

Living as Whole Beings

Paul’s prayer for the sanctification of body, soul, and spirit in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 is a reminder of the integrated nature of our humanity. Each part—body, soul, and spirit—has a distinct role but must work together harmoniously for a fulfilled and holy life.

  • Holistic Sanctification: God’s sanctifying work affects every aspect of our being. It’s not limited to spiritual practices but also includes mental renewal and physical discipline.
  • Prepared for Christ's Return: The goal of sanctification is readiness for the return of Christ, where believers will be presented blameless in their entirety.

Reflection and Discussion

  1. Body: How can you honor God with your physical body in your daily life?
  2. Soul: Are your thoughts and emotions aligned with God’s Word? How can you renew your mind today?
  3. Spirit: What practices help you stay connected to God’s Spirit?

By embracing the biblical view of humanity, we can seek holistic growth and live lives that reflect God’s purpose in every aspect of our being. Let us strive to keep our body, soul, and spirit blameless as we anticipate the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Works of the Flesh

The " works of the flesh " is outlined in Galatians 5:19–2. They are critical as it says that " those who practice such thing...