Thursday, June 21, 2007

Unity in Vision

Last weekend we had a fasting prayer in our church. It was a great time in the presence of God. We had a Servant of God Pr.Micheal George from Andhra Pradesh, India.

Now God told three things mainly which I feel is good writing here.

  1. Unity in Vision
  2. Passion for Soul
  3. Quiettime with God

Unity in Vision is an important thing for anything. Its may be a company, family, minstry, church etc but its a very important thing. Most of the churches don’t grow and there is disputes because people don’t have a unified vision. Our vision should match with God’s plan and it should be in complete agreement with Word of God. I don’t think there is any vision which can be out of God word. So lets examine and see if we have a unified vision in whatever we do.

The Second thing is passion for souls. If we don’t have this then I think we are spiritually sick because it is something which we should have if we are a born again person. Are we able to cry for lost people. Are we filled with grief when we think about the millions who are perishing.

Finally the quiettime which we spend with God alone is very important. Unless and untill we don’t have a strong personal relationship with God and don’t have a strong personal prayer life we can’t expect to be effective.

Its really important that we focus on these three areas.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Christian Maturity-Disagreement

God’s purpose for our life is that we should grow mature in Christ.

Max Derree said “In the end it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.”

The more spiritually you grow, the more you realize just how much your thoughts are actually focused on yourself. Even the thoughts that formerly seemed good and acceptable all of the sudden look selfish. Only then do the words “look to Jesus” finally take on real meaning. Author: Anonymous”

Bible accounts, church history and our personal experiences bear witness that good and godly people have their disagreement. ØVariances of opinion over minor matters must not be allowed to develop into divisions that create major problems and schisms in church. ØWe must learn to disagree without being disagreeable if we have to serve the Lord together and glorify his name. ØDisagreement may not start a fight. But if it is not dealt carefully then it can lead to problems. ØMany Disagreements ignored takes bitter root and can destroy a persons spiritual sensitivity. ØA person whose spiritual sensitivity is lost becomes dead spiritually and can do anything to cover up and lead a double standard life.

I got an oppourtunity to share about this topic with Romans 14. I have made a PowerPoint Show of it. You can find it at

May God Bless You!

Power of Suffering

Few weeks ago I shared a topic in our Church. Its is the power of Suffering. Many aksed me to send the powerpoint slide of that message.

In this I have covered topics like:-

  • If there is a God then why do we suffer?
  • Why Bad things happen to Good People?
  • Where was God when I lost my Job?
  • Is God interested in me?
  • Where was God when tragedy struck me?
  • Why is God not doing anything about my family?

Powerpoint show is at of Suffering.pps

Link to this message is

You can also find it at BLC website


May God Bless You!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Immigration Bill

The talk among the people in US these days is about the Immigration Bill. People whose green card is in process, who plan to apply, companies who bring people on H1B etc are all worried and waiting to see the outcome. Lot of things have been said and debated. People who are in US illegally are fighting to get themself legal and those who are legally here are finding it difficult. Only time will tell what will happen. People fear that rules may change and what will happen to their chances of settling down in US. Many feel some rules are unfair and others feel otherwise. The issue finally is about getting citizenship.

Now all this makes me to think about a citizenship which is promised in Bible. Phil 3:20 says “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ”. Rules for getting citizenship there never changes. Its same for last 2000yrs. Since the time Jesus died on the cross, the heavens immigration office is open 24 hrs and its accepting application 24/7 and is also accepting everyone. No one is rejected there.

But the problem is that people are not considering it because its free and they are not thinking about eternity. People who want to settle in US say that they and their children have a future here. But the question here is have you taught beyond this life.

When we die it is not going to matter as to what was our Visa status or to which country we belong. The only thing which will matter is that whether you have accepted Jesus Christ in your life or not. According to Bible we have only two options and no third option. Either we will go to heaven or to hell.

Have you ever thought about it. Rules of this world will keep changing. Visa rules will change. Climatic conditions will keep on changing. But the only thing which will not change is the Word of God(Bible).

Will you consider thinking about your life for sometime and think about your eternity.

ACOM - The Creator: Who Is God, and How Can I Know Him?

  Video Recording is available -   Introduction Throughout history, people have asked profound questions abou...