Thursday, June 21, 2007

Unity in Vision

Last weekend we had a fasting prayer in our church. It was a great time in the presence of God. We had a Servant of God Pr.Micheal George from Andhra Pradesh, India.

Now God told three things mainly which I feel is good writing here.

  1. Unity in Vision
  2. Passion for Soul
  3. Quiettime with God

Unity in Vision is an important thing for anything. Its may be a company, family, minstry, church etc but its a very important thing. Most of the churches don’t grow and there is disputes because people don’t have a unified vision. Our vision should match with God’s plan and it should be in complete agreement with Word of God. I don’t think there is any vision which can be out of God word. So lets examine and see if we have a unified vision in whatever we do.

The Second thing is passion for souls. If we don’t have this then I think we are spiritually sick because it is something which we should have if we are a born again person. Are we able to cry for lost people. Are we filled with grief when we think about the millions who are perishing.

Finally the quiettime which we spend with God alone is very important. Unless and untill we don’t have a strong personal relationship with God and don’t have a strong personal prayer life we can’t expect to be effective.

Its really important that we focus on these three areas.

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Works of the Flesh

The " works of the flesh " is outlined in Galatians 5:19–2. They are critical as it says that " those who practice such thing...