Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Can or Should I do it or Not?

A Christian is always surrounded by things from which he has to make a choice. Is that permitted? Can I do it or not? Is it ok if I go there? The list just goes. Last days when I was praying a thought came to my mind which I want to put here.

What all I can do? Paul says in 1 Cor 6:12 that “Everything is permissible for me”—but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible for me”—but I will not be mastered by anything.

Again in 1 Cor 10:23 that “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is constructive.

So we see that lot of things are there which may be permissible but not beneficial and constructive. So how can we know what to do and what not. First step is always check in Bible as to what God says about it. Bible has answer to almost everything you can ask. You can also consult elder christians regarding it.

Now I want to give two tips to decide which God taught me. They are:-

  1. Think if Jesus would have been in your place then what he would have done. Will he go to that place? What will his response be? Now to know what Jesus would have done you will have to read gospels and learn the personality of Jesus.
  2. Can I maintain the presence of God in my life by going there or doing it. By going or by my action do I feel a vaccum in my heart regarding God. Do I feel like I am losing the power of God in me.

Avoid all things in your life which can take the anointing of God away from your life. Avoid all things which can come as a block in your life preventing the free flow of God’s power in your life. Devils intention is to take you away from the presence of God because he knows that once he does it then he can make you do anything. Try to meditate the life of Samson. Once he lost the power of God in his life the enemy was able to bind him and even take out his eyes. A man who demonstrated the power of God through his life reached such a point that enemy completely prevailed against him. Reason was simple- He allowed things in his life which was not needed. We can see many other examples like this.

Now when we come to practical aspect what are the things. Let me give you a brief list:-

  1. Watching movies which are against the ideas of Bible.
  2. Surfing websites which are not good.
  3. Reading magazines which does not reflect the culture of Bible.
  4. Going to places were you know sin prevails or where sin is encouraged or Sold.
  5. Friendship which is demanding you to do things which are against the will of God.
  6. Doing Job which makes you unfaithful or where you are forced to accept bribe or do wrong.
  7. Unwanted chatter which promotes nothing good.
  8. Spending time on things which is not at all need

The list can go on and on. But the question is- Will you take a stand to proctect your spiritual life and to make sure the presence of God is with you?

May God Bless You!

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Works of the Flesh

The " works of the flesh " is outlined in Galatians 5:19–2. They are critical as it says that " those who practice such thing...