Monday, April 30, 2007

Cricket World Cup 2007

Cricket world cup 2007 ended on a bad note with all problems in the final. Once again Australia proved they are world campions. Many people were not happy with many things. India and Pakistan going out early was a shock to millions of people. Many people in Asia where expecting Sri Lanka to win. But untimately Australia proved that they are far above all other teams. This Australian team looks unbeatable. Anyway I am sure on any given day they can lose to any team as it happened with India and Pakistan.

Now all the teams will be hoping for the next world cup in 2011. But again it will depend upon how well the teams start preparing from now. Bangladesh performed this time. Bob Woolmer death was also a sad part of this world cup.

Few lessons from this worldcup:-

  1. Never Underestimate anyone. (Bangladesh & Netherlands)
  2. Never Overestimate anyone. (India & Pakistan)
  3. Champions will remain champions if they play upto their potential. (Australia)
  4. If you have a team which is not based on few big names but all people playing their part then you can go far ahead. (Sri Lanka)
  5. No one knows when they will face death and leave this world. (Bob Woolmer)

That bring me to conclusion-

Bible Says in Hebrews 9:27 -” And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment“.

Let’s think about our life. Are we ready to face the judgement of God if we are to face the reality of Death today?

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