"They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his paths." Psalms 119:3 (NLT)
We are living in times when compromise has almost become the rule of life. But its not always called as compromise. Sometimes compromise is shielded under words like tolerance, patience, endurance, love for each other, respect for one another etc. Have you ever thought about it. Most of the time we compromise something or other in our life. There are times when you don't have any other way but to compromise.
But today I want to divert your attention towards things your compromise in your spiritual life. Compromise is a slow poison that ultimately destroys respect for truth. What does that mean? You start with small and end up compromising on big things. This is very much true with our beliefs and convictions about truth and doctrine. First thing we must check in our life that how strong we are in our beliefs and convictions. It will have a direct impact on the fact that how easily we compromise.
I have seen people who preach/teach and instruct others on matters regarding doctrine and belief. But when they have a chance to take a stand for it they will not do. They will compromise and say they are being loving and caring. They don't want to take a stand for the truth. But as I read the Bible, one thing I notice is that people whom God used never compromised. They had to go through tough times and circumstances but they stood fast for their faith.
Joseph is a good example. He decided not to compromise and what he immediately got was prison. But later God lifted him and fulfilled the promises. See Daniel's story. How many times he stood for his beliefs and how many times he ended up or could have ended up in trouble. He was once in lion's den. But God whom Daniel trusted was making ways out of all this to lift him up. His three friends ended up in burning furnace for not compromising. But there also God rescued them. Well there are many other examples. There is also stories where people compromised and had to face the consequences for that.
So what are we supposed to do. Do not Compromise with evil. Its difficult to take a stand and at times to stand all alone. But God will definitely bless and lift a person who stands for truth. So we have a choice. Either take a stand and suffer for sometime but be right in the site of God or Compromise now and enjoy life with people for whose sake you are compromising. But remember that compromise will slowly make us to slide away from God's word and ultimately destroy our respect for truth.
May God help you not to Compromise but take a stand for truth.
Dear brother,
Your latest post was really thought provoking.Compromising is the norm in today's world.People compromise the Word of God to gain acceptance and recognition in the society.
Galatians 4:10 says that we should not obeserve special days and months but isnt it common to see even born again christians celebrating Easter, Christmas and so on? Women pray and prophesise with their heads uncovered. What do we call all this??
I agree with your views. We can call it as disobedience to the word of God. I think these days we need people who will take a stand for God's word even though world or church may hate them.
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