Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Prerequisites before Teaching

One thing the Bible is clear about is that God commands everyone to obey.  It teaches that Obedience is better than sacrifice.  Recently I noticed something about Ezra.

Now Ezra had determined in his heart to study the law of the Lord, obey it, and teach its statutes and ordinances in Israel. (Ezra 7:10)

I had always been impressed with Ezra among Bible characters. This verse stood out to me because it shows a pattern that should be followed by everyone who teaches or preaches to others.

Step 1 – Determine in the heart

  • It is a decision taken within the heart and not forced by someone else.

Step 2 – Study the law of the Lord

  • Not just read but study the word. It takes time to study something.

Step 3 – Obey the word

  • Do what was understood while studying in your personal life.

Step 4- Teach others

  • If you realize it works, take time to share it with others. Teach others what you studied and obeyed.

One challenge we may have is that we will miss the order and a few steps. The question is, which stage do we miss?

Always remember that the order is Study->Obey->Teach, and any other order will not yield much result. 

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