Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Parable Lessons - The Persistent Widow

Parable:-  The Persistent Widow

Scripture Portion:- Luke 18:1-8

The main observations:-
  • Jesus told his disciples a story.
  • To show disciples that they should always pray and never give up.
  • There was a judge in a certain city.
  • He neither feared God nor cared about people.
  • A widow of that city came to him repeatedly for justice.
  • She had some dispute with her enemy.
  • The judge ignored her for a while.
  • Finally the judge was tired and he said to himself, ‘I don’t fear God or care about people, but this woman is driving me crazy. I’m going to see that she gets justice, because she is wearing me out with her constant requests!’”
  • Jesus told them to learn a lesson from this unjust judge.
  • Judge gave a just decision in the end. 
  • God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night.
  • He will not keep putting them off and will grant justice to them quickly.
  • Jesus also asked a question.When he returns, how many will he find on the earth who have faith?
Interpretation:- Always praying does not mean that you have to sit and pray all the time. In this context, it has to do with a particular matter for which you are praying. If its under God's will then you should continue to pray in all situations and in a consistent way. It is not about repetition but quality and consistency in prayer. There are many reasons why we get distracted in our prayer life. Some of them are:-

  • Lack of faith in God
  • We lose focus after sometime
  • We get discouraged
  • Sin can also diminish our passion and vision. It will reduce our prayer life
  • Bitterness in heart can also stop our prayer
Jesus compared God to an unjust judge. If unjust judge came under pressure and gave window justice, we have a loving God. We can be more confident in our prayers knowing that we have a righteous God. 

When Jesus comes back, how many will have faith. We are called to finish our race. In the last days there will be lot of things to turn people away from faith.

Practical Lessons:- I have to be persistent in prayer. Even when I don't see any answers I need to have faith in God. In good and bad times I should pray. I should never give up prayer matters. Sin can diminish my prayer life. I have to be careful about that. I also need to hold on to my faith till the end.

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