Monday, April 28, 2008

Are you Satisfied with Ordinary Church Services?

Today I want to bring to your attention to something which I feel is very important for people to understand and needs to do something about it. My question is - are you satisfied with ordinary church Services? Now you may be attending any church but the question is do you feel the presence of God in your Services. Is the anointing of Holy Spirit flowing in your church? Are you witness of supernatural things in your church. When was the last time a miracle happened in your church?

Now if you can answer YES to few of the questions above then you don't need to read this blog. But if the answer to most of the questions above is NO then read this.

Recently one of my friend gave a testimony. He said he was feeling very much discouraged and someone told him to go to a church where a revival is going on. He went there and during the service he felt like someone asking him to kneel down. He resisted for sometime and finally he did. Then he started crying and he felt a big burden removed from his life. He prayed and a big transformation happened in his life. Now I feel thats the work of the Holy Spirit.

In John 16:8 Jesus said about Holy Spirit like this:- "And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment." I think that if these three things are not happening then there is something wrong. One of the primary work of Holy Spirit is to convict us about our Sins. But many times we see that people have misunderstood the work of the Holy Spirit to some other things. I know that Holy Spirit does lot of things but one of the primary work is to convict people of their Sin.

Every move of God or Revival started with people confessing their sin. But now a days we see that churches don't preach against Sin but preach only blessings. Every time people gather for fellowship the God's power and glory should be reflected. If that's not happening then we need to seek God's face and cry.

We should not be satisfied with ordinary usual Church Services. We should seek God's face to see the move of God in our gatherings.

May God Bless You!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Tinku

In John 16:8 Jesus said about Holy Spirit like this:- "And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment."

Your Comment
"I think that if these three one of the primary work is to convict people of their Sin."

Please re evaluate your comment:

Please read the sin which is described in the verse 9, The sin here is mentioned "Not believing him", The sin is singular, it is talking about the sin not believing Jesus as their Saviour. HS convict the unbeliever about the need for the savior. Read it very carefully, it is not talking about the believers.

To a believer, HS is reveals the believers righteousness in Jesus, not about the list of sins.

If you are saved by the blood of Jesus, your sins are forgiven forever, What Jesus forgave, Holy Spirit will not condemn.

Listen, audio teachings then go to "Positive Ministry of the Holy Spirit", it will open your eyes of understanding about the ministry of HS

I dont know you, but some how I happend to see the blog and read your article, nice work

God Bless
Greg Karabitisky

Anonymous said...

Mr. Tinku

Please visit, then go to "Audio Teachings" and listen to "Positive Ministry of the Holy Spirit", It will bless you. You will defenitely re write your aricle if you listen to it with an open heart.

I used to believe the same way as you wrote, but God opened my eyes to see another side of God's word. Please listen to Andrews teachings

By Greg Karabitsky

Tinku Thompson said...

Dear Greg,
Thanks for your comment and your suggestion. I am listening Andrews messages and have already listened I in the 4 message series. I know where he is going to because I have faced this same theological thought earlier also. In fact I am doing a study on this grace theology and will post my observations about it.
But let me tell you one thing before only. It’s leading to a dangerous conclusion when you think and see the whole picture. I have concerns about many things taught by Andrew as well as others who teach this doctrine. It leads towards a liberal theology which after a point can be dangerous as you will reach a point where your moral failures will be compensated by enormous grace which is available in abundance and ultimately lead towards a careless spiritual life. Now I know that preachers of this doctrine claims that God has to personally reveal it to you. But I believe that Bible is the best revelation given by God to mankind and all other revelations needs to be evaluated on the basis of word of God. Now if you read the whole Bible then you will see that God always looks for people who lead a life after his own will and pleasing to him. Then we must also understand the difference between Justification and Sanctification. Justification is 100% God’s work but Sanctification involves both God and man. So we need to understand it. Any theology which doesn’t challenge you to pursue a holy life needs to be evaluated. So we need to seriously study about it. I will post about it in the coming days.

Now you say that you used to believe in the same way and Andrews teaching opened your eyes. If it has helped you in your personal walk with God then I don’t challenge it. It’s you personal conviction. But whenever I have listened to sermons from preachers who preach it, I have always felt good about myself but cannot justify some of the claims when we see the true Gospel message found in the word of God. In fact Bible always encourages us to pursue a holy life. In fact there various verses to prove it. I will try to write more about it later.

Now in your other comment you raised and concern about Holy Spirit conviction about Sin. Great as there is a grammatical mistake and I want to correct it.
It’s like this:- "I think that if these three one of the primary work is to convict people of their Sin."
But my quote is:- In John 16:8 Jesus said about Holy Spirit like this:- "And when he comes, he will convict the world of its sin, and of God’s righteousness, and of the coming judgment." I think that if these three things are not happening then there is something wrong. One of the primary work of Holy Spirit is to convict us about our Sins. But many times we see that people have misunderstood the work of the Holy Spirit to some other things. I know that Holy Spirit does lot of things but one of the primary work is to convict people of their Sin.

Now let me make it clear here. Now in this post the focus is on ordinary church services. So in a Service there can be people who needs to be convicted about their sin of not accepting Christ. But then you must understand the difference between conviction and condemnation. I am not saying that Holy spirit will condemn believer. But it will convict. If Holy Spirit is not convicting me then how will I know that I have committed a mistake. Now grace only preachers will say that you have not committed any sin because your past, present & future sins have already been forgiven. Now see what Apostle john wrote in 1 John

Chapter 1: 5This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 6If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. 7But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all[b] sin. 8If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 10If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives.
Chapter 2 : 1My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. 2He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for[a] the sins of the whole world.
Now about Holy Spirit convicting about sin or our mistakes and helping us, it is a common thing which happens in the life of a person who spend time with God. One who is willing to listen to the voice of God. Now if our conscience is condemning about our repented sins then it can be condemnation but if the Holy Spirit is helping us to understand our mistake and helping us overcome it and to fully trust in God then its conviction. I don’t want to elaborate about it in this reply but I will definitely try to study it in depth about it and write about it. If a person doesn’t understand the difference between conviction and condemnation then it a problem. Then that person will end up in a mess and can easily embrace a theological though which can give him relief and comfort. Therefore Christians are free of condemnation, but conviction is another matter. The Holy Spirit comes to live in our hearts when we accept Christ as Lord. He awakens us to those things in our lives that are unpleasing to God, this is called conviction. It is the Spirit of God nudging us to avoid sin and live in the way God intends us to live.

Thanks for your comments as it will help me to explore and study these areas more in depth. Then again lets continue to explore the word of God because its only the word of God which can make us strong.

Ephesians 4: 14Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming. 15Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. 16From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”

May God Bless You!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr.Tinku

You are on the right track, listen to Andrew's message and ask holy spirit to reveal it to you. Any preacher or teacher of the word can only give information from the Word, HS is the one who gives revelation knowledge. Unless Holy
Spirit reveals it to you, you will never understand this amazing grace. Listen with an open heart to learn, not to argue.

First of all Grace is not a doctrine, Grace is not a subject, rather Grace is the person Jesus.

Grace is not a way to sin as most people think, infact it is the only way to holiness, and it is the power against sin. Titus 2:12 says that the Grace of God will teach us how to live a holy life.

Apostle Paul when he wrote to Romans about the Gospel of Christ, Holy Spirit reminded him to mention this question three times " in Rom 6:1, Rom 6:15 and Romans 3:8 what shall we say then ? Shall we Go ahead and sin , that Grace may abound.Why HS reminded him this question, I believe when you preach the Grace or Gospel of God, if the audience do not come up with the same question, You have not preached the Gospel as paul preached. Sin is already dealt on the Cross by Jesus, if you preach that this question has to come. This does not mean a liscence to sin, rather it is a liscence to lead a holy life.

All these 3 times, Apostle Pauls answer to this question is No, never or God forbid.

Grace never compromise Holiness, infact Grace leads you to holiness.The understanding of this amazing grace is the secret of a victorious christian life.

Please listen to Andrews

1.True Nature of God
2.Gospel the power of God

It changed my life, It will change your life with out a doubt. The understanding of this amazing grace created a hunger for holiness in me. I am changed for ever, the power of Grace root out my sinful habits. Only the Love of God will change you and transform you, religion only creates rebellion.

Once more, listen with an open heart, God will open your hearts to understand this amazing Love of Jesus.

Thanks for the reply. God will use you in mighty way in the coming days, if you understand this mind shaking, relgion bursting truth.

God Bless
Greg Karabitisky

Tinku Thompson said...

Happy to hear that it has changed your life and may God help you to grow more in the grace of God. When it comes to matters regarding God, I try not to be rebellious but listen with an open heart. But at the same time I make sure that I don't become a victim of false teachings which is so much out there.
So I will like to take some time to study it before I can come to a conclusion.

But on the onset I have some serious concerns about some of the statements he makes in his sermons. In meantime can you let me know of some other preachers who preach the same things. I will help me more.

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