Tuesday, April 12, 2022


I believe that sin is any evil action or evil motive that is in opposition to God. Sin is the failure to let God be God and placing something or someone in God’s rightful place of supremacy.[1] I also believe that the doctrine of sin is very important as it influences all other doctrines. It is also a difficult subject to discuss as people do not want to accept or acknowledge that they are sinners.

    Many people are unable to grasp the concept of sin as an inner force, an inherent condition, or a controlling power. [2] I believe that terms that emphasize the cause of sin are ignorance, error, and inattention.[3] The terms which emphasize the character of sin are missing the mark, irreligion, transgression, inequality or lack of integrity, rebellion, treachery, perversion, and abomination. The results of sin are emphasized by terms such as agitation or restlessness, evil or badness, guilt, and trouble. All of these terms emphasize somewhat different aspects. I believe that sin is basically the displacement of God from our life.

[1] Erickson, Christian Theology, 579.

[2] Erickson, Christian Theology, 582.

[3] Erickson, Christian Theology, 586.


Monday, April 11, 2022


I believe that God has regard for all people irrespective of race, gender, economic status, and age. I affirm that all races are included in God’s human family and thus are objects of his love.[1] There is no distinction between people based on race regarding justification and hence there should not be a distinction of race. I also believe that both sexes should be treated in the same way even though God has given each different responsibilities in regard to how they function as a family. The difference in functions should not result in discrimination. In Bible, we see many women whom God used for his glory. We should keep the differences in mind but that should not end up with one person seen as superior to other.

            I also believe that there should not be discrimination between married and unmarried people. The Bible talks about unmarried people and it never condemns them. I believe that in the sight of God, all humans are equal. The distinctions of race, social status, and sex are of no significance to him. This should result in Christians showing the same impartial concern and interest for all humans, regardless of incidentals of lives. [2]

[1] Erickson, Christian Theology, 559.

[2] Erickson, Christian Theology, 575.


Wednesday, April 6, 2022


I believe that humans are to be treated as unities and their spiritual condition cannot be dealt with independently of their physical and psychological condition. A human is a complex being and its nature is not reducible to a single principle.[1] 

I believe that human nature is not inconsistent with the scriptural teaching of a personal conscious existence between death and resurrection. The different aspects of human nature are all to be attended to and respected. I believe that gospel is an appeal to the whole person.  On the basis of different scriptures dealing with human beings, I can agree with the concept of dichotomy. 

I believe that there is spirit, soul, and body (1 Thess. 5:23).   Based on the arguments presented by Erickson regarding the meaning of words used in the original language[2], I agree that there is a possibility of conditional unity.  Robinson’s[3] argument is that the Hebrews had a unitary view of human nature. I do not believe in trichotomism or monism.

[1] Erickson, Christian Theology, 557.

[2] Erickson, Christian Theology, 547.

[3] Erickson, Christian Theology, 547.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022


I believe God created man in his own image and likeness (Gen.1:26-17).  This distinguishes people from all the other creatures. The image of God is what makes humans human.[1] I believe that the image of God is universal within the human race. It is not evident in only a portion of the human race but it is evident in all people. I also believe that this image is not lost as a result of sin or the fall. I do not believe that there is a difference in the degree of the image of God present in different people. This image cannot be correlated with the relationship one has with God. The image is in the very nature of humans in the way in which they were made. I believe that it refers to something a human is rather than something a human has or does.[2] I also believe that image refers to the elements in human makeup that enable the fulfillment of human destiny. The image helps or makes people capable of interacting with other persons, thinking and reflecting, and being willing freely.

            I believe that this doctrine has a big implication as it helps us to understand that we belong to God. Jesus was the complete revelation of God and we should pattern ourselves after him. The relationship with God is important as we will experience full humanity only when we are properly related to God.  This also leads to the conclusion that humans are valuable and we should be careful not to treat people differently based on some criteria. Every person deserves dignity as they are in the image of God.

[1] Erickson, Christian Theology, 518.

[2] Erickson, Christian Theology, 532.

Monday, April 4, 2022


I believe that Adam and Eve were actual historical persons and the events in the biblical account took place within space and time. God created Adam and later He created Eve. The humans are created means and they have no independent existence. God willed that they should exist and God acted to bring them into being and preserve them. Humans are part of God’s creation and they are different from God’s other created beings. I believe that they also have a unique place in the creation and there is a brotherhood among humans. 

There are definite limitations upon humanity. Humans are creatures, not God, and have the limitations that go with being finite. Only the creator is infinite and humans do not and cannot know everything. It also means that there are practical limitations to all our accomplishments.[1] I believe that a proper adjustment to life can be achieved only on the basis of acceptance of one’s own finiteness. I do not believe in naturalistic evolution or theistic evolution. I believe that the greatness of human beings is based on the fact that God has created them and they are different from all his other creations.

[1] Erickson, Christian Theology, 514.

Saturday, April 2, 2022


The doctrine of man is important because of its relationship to other major Christian doctrines. I believe that human is the highest of God’s earthly creatures and they are the only one said to be created in the image and likeness of God.[1] The subject of humanity is particularly significant during our day because of the large amount of attention given to humanity by the various intellectual disciplines. There is a crisis in human self-understanding, so it is very important to understand this doctrine. I also believe that this doctrine of man affects how we minister to other people. It helps us to see other people in the way God sees them and it will affect our conception of human beings and their destiny.

            I believe that a human being is a creature of God made in the image of God which means that humanity is to be understood as having originated not through a chance process of evaluation but through a conscious purposeful act of God. I believe that the reason for human existence lies in the intention of the Supreme Being. The image of God is intrinsic and indispensable to humanity and we can observe that humans are set apart from the rest of creation. They alone are capable of having a conscious personal relationship with the creator and they can respond to him. They can know God and understand what He desires of them. They can love worship and obey their maker.[2] I do not believe that the human image is that of an animal, a sexual being, an economic being, or a pawn of the universe.

[1] Millard J Erickson, Christian Theology (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1998), 480.

[2] Erickson, Christian Theology, 494.

Friday, April 1, 2022


In the context of Christian theology, anthropology refers to the study of the human as it relates to God. It is different from the social science of anthropology, which primarily deals with the comparative study of the physical and social characteristics of humanity across times and places.  In the Christian view of humanity, the human being is a creature of God made in the image of God (Gen.1:27).

In the next few posts, I will share about different topics under Anthropology in simple terms.

ACOM - The Creator: Who Is God, and How Can I Know Him?

  Video Recording is available -  https://youtu.be/4DMxZj_RsR4   Introduction Throughout history, people have asked profound questions abou...