Thursday, August 18, 2022

Careless with Ministry Tasks

Most people will agree that God has a purpose for their life. Many have a genuine desire to do something for the Lord. How will we do anything for the Lord? Should we pursue it, or will something come to us?

There are many ways in which people get engaged with the work of the Lord.

1.     Their desire and commitment push them to volunteer and do things.

2.     They are pushed into something by others because there is a need, and they have the talent to do it.

3.     They are asked or forced to take up some responsibility because others think they will grow by doing things even though they may have no experience.

4.     They get opportunities because there is pressure within their church or organization to provide them to people. People may end up with things they do not want to do.

5.     They want fame and fight to get positions, so elections take place with a lot of competition.

6.     They get a direct vision or call from the Lord and pursue that in obedience.

There may be other ways, but my focus today is what happens after taking up the role. The Bible is clear that we should not be careless or lax when it comes to assignments related to the work of the Lord, and God expects faithfulness from us when it comes to the task given to us.

Jer.48:10- "A curse on anyone who is lax in doing the Lord's work!.."

Luke 16:10- "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

Few things to consider-

1.     Do not take up roles that you cannot do or know that you are not going to do anything.

2.     Do not hold positions for the sake of name or fame, and many hold on to posts due to the organization's brand name.

3.     If you are inactive and not doing much, give up and let someone else do it. Trust God that He can use others if you are too busy.

4.     Understand that holding a position and not doing anything hinders the Lord's work. Your inactivity is killing the organization slowly.

5.     Do not take up positions under pressure. Pray and take it if you realize that God is calling you to do it. It does not mean that you shy away from everything.

6.     If you take any position or role, allocate X hours per week or every month for that role. Add it to your calendar or list of things to do. Make sure you are thinking about it and making sure that you are playing your part in the progress and overall growth. Never sleep over the work you are assigned.

7.     Be intentional with completing the work. Do not delay what can be done today. Do not go into hibernation mode for no reason.

8.     Be focused and diligent with your assignments. Lack of focus is killing many mission initiatives these days.

9.     Do not fall into the trap of having divided loyalty and ignoring one over the other. I have different roles, and I have to balance them. I cannot be focused on things that drag me and ignore others. The best way to handle it is to evaluate your commitments. If you feel you will neglect something or do not have the time, relieve yourself from that role.

10.  Do everything wholeheartedly, knowing that you are doing Lord's work and not for anyone else. Your reward will be from the Lord.

In conclusion, let me encourage you to evaluate your commitments and ensure you contribute diligently to everything you have taken up. Do not let missions suffer because of your busyness, lack of focus, and intentionality. If we do that, we will have to answer to God one day.

God bless you! 

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